So, besides the ridiculous sunburn...this week has been pretty fantastic so far! It's only Wednesday, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of this week has in store for me. Here's how my week has been thus far:
Sunday: church. David, Dominique, and Drew's openhouse. Visiting Teaching. INDY 500.
Monday: baseball, Baseball, and you guessed it...more BASEBALL! the Pike Red Devils beat Brownsburg to advance to the sectional finals on Tuesday.
Tuesday's score against Brownsburg!

Tuesday: chill day con mi hermana. BASEBALL sectional...PIKE WINS!!! This is the first time since 1995 since Pike has won a baseball sectional! then, off to the airport to get Gramma Risch. While at the airport...who could we possibly run into?? Well, it was
DANNY GRANGER from the Indiana Pacers!! I couldn't believe it! I was soooo nervous to ask for a picture, so daddy did instead lol :]
This is Aaron Snyder. He hit a walk off GRAND SLAM to win the game!!!

I may not go to Pike anymore...but these are my boys and I'm so proud of them! SECTIONAL CHAMPS BABY!!!

And this, my Danny Granger! He's pretty hott don't ya think?? haha :D

Wednesday: we took gramma home and tonight is institute!
This week has been absolutely, super duper, fantastically, amazing!