I saw this article on the Yahoo! homepage and just couldn't resist reading it. These teams are truly groups of individuals that still know what sportsmanship is and how to show it. The story and video most definitely made me cry and put me in a fantastic mood. It's about a student on a football team that scored a 51 yard TD in a Varsity football game last week. Normally, it wouldn't be all that impressive, but Ike Ditzenberger has Down Syndrome. His and the opposing team made it possible for Ike to score, probably making last Friday night one of the best of his life thus far. It's moments like these that truly make me proud to be an American and it gives me hope that maybe, just maybe...sportsmanship does still exist in this world.
I hope the videos work...
this first one is the one Ike scored last year in a Junior Varsity game.
this next one is the one he scored on Friday night.
you can read the whole story at:
Truly inspiring, isn't it? <3
2 weeks ago