♥♫♪♫♪What doesn't kill you makes you stronger♫♪♫♪♥

19 November 2011


As many of you all know, I am a student manager for the IUPUI men's and women's basketball teams. Yes, I know...I'm crazy for doing both and it makes for an extremely busy schedule, but I do it because I love it :)

So far this year, the guys are 1-2, losing the last two games on the road and the girls are 0-1 after taking on #16 Purdue. They have their regular season home-opener today against St. Francis, N.Y.

This coming week is going to be absolutely I.N.S.A.N.E. This is what my schedule looks like through November 30:

11/19: IUPUI(w) vs St. Francis, N.Y.
11/20: IUPUI vs Eastern Michigan
11/21: leave for ISU
11/22: IUPUI(w) @ Indiana State
11/23: leave for Kansas
11/24: miss thanksgiving :'(
11/25: IUPUI(w) vs Florida Atlantic @ Kansas
11/26: IUPUI(w) @ Kansas
11/27: IUPUI(w) vs Lamar @ Kansas
11/30: IUPUI(w) vs North Dakota State

WHEWW!!! This is going to be a super long week, but I'm looking forward to it!
Here are pictures of my second families :D

16 November 2011

Music :)

Lately, I've been trying to listen to as many hymns as possible throughout my day. I recently came across a piece by a guy named Ricky Valdez that I absolutely love. He did a composition of "If You Could Hie to Kolob" and "Adam-ondi-Ahman". It's probably my favorite piece that I've come across and I wanted to share it with everyone, so here it is!!