ok....so it's almost the end of january (aaagghhh!!!) and a TON has happened since my last post. first on the list to speak about? all those AMAZING trips with the basketball team!
the trip to memphis was absolutely crazy, but probably the funnest out of all of them so far :]
first night there, they ordered pizzas for everyone and i chilled with christian and smoove (anthony) until 3 in the A.M. these 2 guys are most def on my "top 5" fav guys on the team.
smoove is from the lovely FL...and he's hilarious :) christian is from the Cameroon and i absolutely <3 <3 <3 his accent!!!
idk how we got to the topic of religion...but i had the opportunity to share some of my standards and beliefs with them. it had to have been one of the coolest experiences of my life. and now that they know i'm LDS...they have both come up with a HUGE list of things that i'm not allowed to do "bc you're mormon" (kinda like "its bc i'm black isn't it...? just not hahaha) according to christian..."you're not allowed to do notting..." lol
so, here's the list as of right now...i'll keep updating when new ones come up lol
1. absolutely NO dancing...esp when it involves "shaking my nasty booty" haha
2. no texting
3. no smiling :(
4. no laughing...
5. no kissing
6. no dating
7. no hugging sweaty basketball players lol
8. no passing out papers
some of these, they came up with after our night out on the town in memphis. for dinner, we all went to the BB Kings Blues Club...lemme just tell you...the food was great, but the live entertainment was FANTASTIC! i was soooo disappointed when none of the guys asked me to dance...it wasn't until the end that i was finally asked if i wanted to dance (by coach hunter) lol of course, i said YES! when i got out on the dance floor, i turned to my right and saw 12...yes, count 'em...12 camera phones out filming hahahaha
next day...got creamed by memphis, but it's all good loli then had 1 day off, and then we were headed to fort wayne to take on IPFW (which we won, of course!) and then we were off to detroit, where i had the please of spending the last 15 mins of 2009 with the team bc they were too busy drinking the rest of the night...but oh well lol we played oakland on the 2nd and sadly, we got beat...but only by 3 :/
and news flash: ALLISON IS 19 NOW!
it was quite a pleasant day actually...had class and then chilled for most of the day. we went out to dinner and then i went 2 hang out with some of the singles from the singles ward. we watched tarzan and a bugs life, then garrett proceded to play some music on zee guitar :]
classes have also started up (boo!) but at least they're pretty easy (YAY!!)
and now that steph has started classes this semester, i have the pleasure of spending lots of time with her pretty much every day! i haven't spent this much time with her since we were in middle school...and i just have to say that her baby, Brady Edward Earhart (Bee for short) is one of the absolute most cutest baby ever!!
basketball is goin pretty great. they are 15-7 and we take on oakland and IPFW this week. I will probably be traveling with them on the next 3 plane trips as well...CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
only problem with this season is the ridiculous amount of injuries...
greg has broken his collar bone and possibly broke his foot yesterday.
billy has really bad knee problems
robert broke his finger
espo has ankle problems
leroy had a pretty bad ankle sprain
alexander messed up his wrist somehow
zach broke his foot
jon just about killed his wrist in the game...
i think thats it...for now lol [crossin my fingers] lol
i love those guys soooo much and thank god every day for blessing me with this opportunity <3
2 weeks ago
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