I have come to discover that institute has been such a blessing in my life. More now, than ever because of my calling in my home ward. Because of my calling in the nursery, I am unable to attend sunday school and relief society.
Institute has been a great "replacement", you might say for those two classes I miss out on every sunday. The good thing about institute?? It's actually people closer to my own age and we have a pretty fantastic teacher :]
I have been missing out on quite a few sessions of institute, which basically takes place of the yw and ym programs in the home wards. I have been travelling a lot with the team lately and have missed at least 3 out of the last 5 :(
Once basketball is done, however, I will not only be able to attend institute...but quite possibly FHE as well! I have not been so excited to attend institute until lately and have discovered that without it and the scriptures, I may have struggled even more with all that has been going on.
The YSA are so fun to be around! And, now that they are "old enough" to join, I have been able to see Jannah, Travis, and Jack pretty much every week! (something that hasn't happened since YC this past summer...) I have been blessed with some of the most amazing friends in the entire world! <3
I am truly blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that my Savior lives and that he loves me. I am grateful for the sealings because I have been blessed to come into a great, loving family and I love the knowledge that I have that I will be able to be with them forever!! I know the church is the true church of our Heavenly Father and his Son and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. I know that President Monson is the true Prophet today. I have been so blessed and am grateful for every new day that I am able to live.
2 weeks ago
aaannnddd who told you that you should come to institute more?!?! aaannnddd why is it that you have the time now when she is gone off at school? hmn that is pretty coincidental i think :)
nah...no coincidence...i've just decided that my spiritual well-being is more important than the rest of me.
i've been struggling with a lot lately and this is the only way i could make any sense out of anything.
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