2 weeks ago, I had the opportunity to go on a spontaneous trip with Caitlin, Kiersten, Kallie, Shelby, Rachael, Parley, and Michael...a few people from YSA and institute people along with Brother and Sister Nehring. We left Friday morning and made it just in time to see the Hill Cumorah pageant. We got invited to go to a dance with the Rochester YSA branch ((which didn't even start until 11!!)) Saturday, we got to visit the Palmyra temple and go to the Sacred Grove. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. We then began our long drive home, stopping in Mansfield, Ohio to visit Rachael's family. We spent more time driving TO and FROM Palmyra than we did IN Palmyra, but it was super amazing and I would go on another trip like this in a heartbeat!
This past weekend was a YSA mini-conference. It included pretty much all of the YSA branches in the state of Indiana. I didn't get to attend until Saturday, right around lunch time. We had 4 one hour long workshops, all of which were awesome! After dinner, we had a dance. You'll never guess how long it was...4 HOURS! Crazy intense, but it was the most fun I've had in so long. I met some really awesome people and I'm even going on a double date with one of the guys I met. He's a non-member, but you know what they say...flirt to convert! hahaha jkjk
Here's the Palmyra temple :)

Here's the majority of the girls that went, minus Kallie and Caitlin

And the whole group! <3

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